Animation 3D path

TOP Description Command prompts Find the command Grips Editing Properties Listed properties Variables Script example Macro Example 3D Comments LINE (Command) Description Create a series of line segments, for the first segment you need to pick a start and an end point, for further segments you only need pick the next end point. Command prompts […]


TOP Description Command prompts Find the command Grips Editing Properties Listed properties Variables Script example Macro Example 3D Comments LINE (Command) Description Create a series of line segments, for the first segment you need to pick a start and an end point, for further segments you only need pick the next end point. Command prompts […]

Animation 3D rotate

TOP Description Create the model Find the command Grips Editing Properties Listed properties Variables Script example Macro Example 3D Comments Animation 3D Description On the Home page there is an animation of a rotating cube, in this post I’m going to try and show how it was created. The model itself is created in LT.  […]

3D Navigation

Top Description Prompts Find Grips Editing Properties List Variables Script Macro 3D Comments 3D Navigation Description Even in a 3D model your computer screen still only gives a flat image, still, it is really helpful to be able to view a model from varying angles to be able to visualize how things ‘fit’ together. Full […]

Coordinates X, Y, and Z

TOP Description Grips Editing Variables Script example Macro Example 3D Comments Coordinates Description There are two basic methods used for placing new geometry in Autocad. You can use the mouse to pick a point on the screen, either choose freely where you want it or use one of the many snap options to either pick […]